Our Core Partners

The Multifaith Movement to End Mass Incarceration (EMI) began with the Reverend Raphael Warnock, the Rev. Dr. Katherine Henderson and Rabbi Peter Berg sharing a vision to see faith communities collectively organize to stop the human rights catastrophe of mass incarceration.  With this vision as a guide, these faith leaders brought together the historic institutions they lead (Ebenezer Baptist Church, Auburn Theological Seminary and The Temple) to catalyze a national faith-based effort to end mass imprisonment. 

Ebenezer Baptist Church

The Social Justice Ministry of Ebenezer Baptist Church is committed to the call by God in Micah 6:8 and Jesus in Luke 4:16-19. The Social Justice Ministry will address local, state, national, and global injustices in a systematic way.

Ebenezer Baptist Church

Ebenezer Baptist Church, located in Atlanta, Georgia, is an urban-based, global ministry dedicated to individual growth and social transformation through living in the message and carrying out the mission of Jesus Christ.

Throughout its long history, the Church has been a spiritual home to many citizens of the “Sweet Auburn” community. Ebenezer was founded in 1886, nine years after reconstruction ended.
Today, Ebenezer Baptist, with a congregation of over 6,000, continues to serve the Atlanta community in the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site under the dynamic leadership of Reverend Dr. Raphael G. Warnock–assuming the role of senior pastor in 2005. Dr. Warnock is only the fifth minister to lead the Ebenezer congregation in its 136 year history. 

The Temple

The Temple, a Reform Jewish congregation, is located in midtown Atlanta and is one of American Judaism’s most historic religious institutions. Founded in 1867, it is the city’s oldest and most diverse synagogue. In 2009, The Temple was named by Newsweek Magazine as one of the most vibrant and dynamic Jewish congregations in the country.  For over 150 years, we have committed to broadening people’s access to a full Jewish life and have built a tradition of social justice work. 

Social justice remains a central aspect of life at The Temple, as it has been for many decades. The civil rights advocacy of Rabbi Jacob Rothschild (z”l) during the 1950s and 1960s led to the infamous bombing of our building in 1958. Undeterred, we have continued to work towards a more just society.

The Temple

The Temple

At The Temple, we are proud of our dedication to social justice.  As Jews, we have the responsibility to engage in tikkun olam, repair our world.  All Temple members are encouraged to become involved in the work of social justice. If you would like to become involved, please contact Rabbi Lydia Medwin.

Auburn Seminary

Auburn Seminary

When Auburn was founded more than 200 years ago as a Presbyterian seminary in upstate New York, no one could possibly have predicted that it would continue to thrive as the beating heart of the multifaith movement for justice.

Auburn Seminary

Auburn Seminary is on of the oldest religious institutions in the US.  But that doesn’t mean we’re old school.  Auburn is meeting the urgent needs for leader-centered experiential education, innovative and groundbreaking research, impactful digital initiatives, and multifaith just movement building.

Auburn equips leaders with the organizational skills and spiritual resilience required to create lasting, positive impact in local communities, on the national stage, and around the world.

We amplify voices and visions of faith and moral courage. We convene diverse leaders and cross-sector organizations for generative collaboration and multifaith understanding. And we research what’s working — and not — in theological education and social change-making.


One critical element to the success of the Initiative has been our ability to draw in a range of faith-rooted and nonprofit partners. Their engagement has ranged from participating on the National Strategy Team and Conference Planning Committee to providing workshop leadership and financial support for the Conference.

Current partners include: American Baptist Home Mission Societies, American Civil Liberties Union, Columbia Theological Seminary, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Georgia, Criminal Justice Initiative Fund, Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta, Georgia Justice Project, Georgia Power, Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) of Atlanta, Jewish Council for Public Affairs, National Council of Churches, National Religious Campaign Against Torture, New Georgia Project, Progressive Women Candidates Forum, Public Square Media, Reform Georgia, Southern Center for Human Rights, Southern Education Foundation, Barred Business, The Bail Project, and The New Teacher Project.

The Multifaith Initiative to End Mass Incarceration embodies bridge-building across philosophical, political and theological divides. EMI seeks to position the faith community as a partner in existing efforts to strengthen voices, serve as a catalyst for the breakdown of polarizing influences in our country and build new avenues for engagement.


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